Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Rogues are very simple to twink.    If you want to be great rogue twink than you will need Several sets of gear, due to patches that will come out reducing item agility, stam, etc.  So it wouldn't be a bad idea to watch AH for the  Defias Boots,pants,belt, and gloves. and the Fang set of the gloves. You could also look for Deviate Scale Belt  it's the best rogue belt avaible. No you do not need these, BUT I would definitly recomend them to anyone who is twinking a rogue. Alliance or horde, if you are a horde char... if you don't want the belts listed above, go to SFK and kill the 4th boss. He will drop a nice 7-8 stamina belt, it's nice for hunters and shamans too , due to the 9 intel on it. By the time you have done all of that, go to Deadmines or Wailing Caverns and get the whole set of gear, and get all weapons that drop, from DM you need to get  nothing from 1st boss , anything except the axe from 2nd boss, the pants from 3rd boss, 1h axe from 4th boss, and anything except cloth chest and cape from last boss. GET THE NOTE!  then put those items in bank, and level.  WC however, you need these items (I haven't been there in a while. I'll just put item's names)  Serpent's shoulders, Stinging Viper, 1h dagger or cape  (same boss drop , you want both) boots or bow from the 2nd to last boss, then nothing from final. DO NOT DO DRUID'S SLUMBER PART, waste of time! By then hopefully after 3 or so runs of the one that you need, you will have your gear. then go to the AH and purchase the highest level bracers, with stamina and agility or stamina and strength, blood ring, and a necklace. You could buy shoulders if you're alliance, but you should go to SFK or WC to get the 1st boss shoulders (9 agil)  Then get engineering up to 150, and get the green goggles, then make the highest level bombs, about 30. then go find the recipe for MINNOR RECUMBOBULATOR. If I spelled this wrong (pretty sure I did) ask trade chat how to spell it correctly and if anyone has it, item or the recipe. You will want both. get recipe as fast as possible and make as many as you can. you need them in battle. it will heal you and take of a friendly's polymorph if you use it on them.  All you need to do now is, level to 19 and get your honor up, and get the pvp trinket, The weapons that you use don't matter, if you enchant them correctly you should be fine, enchants are coming up within the next 2 guides, go for sub spec with main hand dagger and possibly another off-hand dagger or good sword in off-hand.      Good luck, send me a msg if you need help at my email adress   

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