Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ikillall's 19 twink guide HUNTERS.

Hey all , Ikillall here , my guide did come early but that should be good for you guys!

Let's get started.

If you're making a Shaman and/or Druid Twink, you're going to want a mix of leather and cloth, however, Hunters and Rogues want FULL leather NO EXCEPTIONS. Casters will want to go for Spirit,intellect,a small amount of stamina, and as much armor as possible considering the fact of which that you will be Noob-tubed by low-lives.

Hunters - First things first. Level to 10, grab the pet quest from trainer at closest city, then go to Aldrassil (starting NE point) and get a GREEN spider from the caves, or if you don't like that after a while,(I don't like it but you might) you can go get a Nightsaber at either Teldrassil or Darkshore. Those are THE BEST pets avaible at 19. You will then want at least 10 if not more runs through WailingCaverns for the following items,*this will take a while, don't do it all at once* Serpent's Shoulders,Glowing Lizardscale Cloak,FULL FANG SET,and venomstrike.Then go to Deadmines and get the note from vancleef. Take into accountance that if you have no idea where in God's name Wailing Caverns is, Don't sweat it. Go to Deadmines and just get full set of that but it's pretty crappy IMO. After that, get engineering up to 150 and get the goggles. Also, make 20 of the explosive sheep and 20 Big Bronze Bombs, Then go to the Auction house and look for these 2 items. Schematic: Minor recombobulator, if you can't don't fret, go to wetlands and go to the windmill to the engineer vendor and buy it yourself. But if you're to lazy (like I was for a while) just buy them AH or ask guildies if they can make you some! Supply yourself with at least 10 and equip 2. Next, level your char up to around 17, then buy these AH items Twisted Chanter's Staff, Blood Ring and a TON of Healing potions. If you don't have enough for Twisted chanter's staff , Go to DM and get yourself Captain Crunch's (Greenskin :D) Staff, Emberstone Staff, it has great stats for the people of which who don't have a lot of money to spare, but if you don't have that kinda money, go look at Matthias' guides for gold gaining. All you need to do now , is do the quest you got from vancleef earlier and you'll need help for all of this. Then just get to 19 and do your PVP to get your trinket! I prefer Night Elves for their version of vanish, Shadowmeld, and natural agility. Dwarves are alright because of gun skill if you get Timmy's peashooter, and the natural ability Stoneform. Draenie are also good due to their ability Gift of the Naruu, so I beleive it's called. Now the proffesions, I'm sorry I didn't mension this any earlier in this guide but this goes for most twinks, Combo #1 : Engineering,Herbalism <—(NOT MEANT FOR DRAENIE!) Combo #2 : Engineering,Mining this one is really if you want to be a flag capper and go for full stam. Combo #3 : Engineering,Skinning This is for Crits, max it out to your best ability, if you want to be able to take down a guy that you beleive is better than you, this is for you.
Combo #4 : Engineering,Jewel Crafting - Note that you need BC to gain access to JC'ing. This is almost a replacement of Herbalism, because you make stone statues that heal you when you place them down. Helpful in big battles. (Not useable in arena's!) REMEMBER THIS! Enchants will be mentioned later on. But if there is ANY question(s) and or comment that you have, Feel free to send me an email at the following address,
I appreciate your views to my guide, Please please please! tell me how this does for you, if there are any flaws that I may have put please email me or post a comment! Thank you and good luck. All other twink guides are coming soon! This is almost a sample of all the others that will happen. I hope you're happy twinking, and my main character's name is Ikillall on US alliance server Arygos. Feel free to send me mail.

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